Wind Farms
Skylos Ecology assists in the implementation of Bat and Avifauna Monitoring (BAM) Plans at wind farm sites across Australia.
We work directly with wind farm clients, environmental consultancy companies and industry specialists in meeting site specific BAM plan requirements. This includes bird and bat monitoring, mortality surveys using our conservation detection dogs, conducting carcass persistence trials and report writing. Our six trained conservation detection dogs can:
- Detect both bird and bat species.
- Detect indistinct microbat species within large survey areas.
- Detect targets with greater efficiency than human-only spotters.
- Detect with accuracy rates between 95 –100%.
- Ensure 100% coverage of the survey area.
Skylos Ecology recently co-authored a research paper on curtailment as a method for reducing bat fatalities at wind farm sites.
Emma Bennett
Elmoby Ecology, Principle Ecologist.
Emma's recent presentation on the use of detection dogs at wind farms as best practice in bird and bat monitoring at wind farm sites.
This presentation was part of the Australasian Conservation Dog Network's webinar series.
Skylos Ecology proudly works in partnership with Elmoby Ecology.

Skylos Ecology utilises detection dogs to deliver data for effective biosecurity, pest and disease management.
Oakley, our alligator weed detection dog, has successfully located wild growing alligator weed plants in known infestation sites across Victoria and the ACT during his 2019 - 2022 seasons. Our work assisted with the monitoring and ongoing treatment of infestations. Oakley will continue his alligator weed work in 2023 with further deployments scheduled.
Additionally, in 2021 we started training Raasay on Spartina anglica, an invasive grass found in tidal estuaries. Raasay has now been deployed on several Spartina anglica deployments, which includes working from a kayak.
In addition to training dogs for biosecurity deployment, Skylos Ecology provides clients with site specific biosecurity procedures and policies. We follow strict guidelines when working with invasive species, helping to ensure effective eradication management of a species.
In preparation for Oakley's preliminary alligator weed deployment Skylos Ecology had the pleasure to work with NSW DPI Biosecurity and their Invasive Species Programs Unit at the Grafton Agriculture Institute.
Our training at the institute was included in their autumn biosecurity newsletter.
Click on the image and scroll to Invasive Plants and Animals for our article.

We utilise our detection dogs' scenting ability in efforts to locate one of Victoria's most threatened and elusive species, the tiger quoll (Dasyurus maculatus).
Skylos Ecology has experienced tiger quoll scat detection dogs teams available for deployment. Our tiger quoll teams can determine the presence of tiger quolls in a survey area through scat detection.
Furthermore, both dietary and DNA analysis of scat samples can provide information on individuals, including their sex and overall health, as well as populations size estimates, population distribution and genetic diversity.
Our teams have been internally assessed and deployed on multiple tiger quoll scat field surveys across Victoria. Our teams regularly score between 80 - 100% in their assessments.
For further information about the tiger quoll, visit Conservation Ecology Centre:
Native & Threatened Species: Tiger Quoll
Image credit: CraigRJD

In 2021 we began training our two detection dogs; Oakley and Rex to detect kowari scats. The kowari (Dasyuroides byrnei) is a small marsupial carnivore most notable for a large brush of dense black furs on its graceful tail. As a member of the Dasyuridae family, kowari are related to the more well-known Tasmanian Devil and Quoll species.
In 2022 our team headed up to the Sturt Stony Desert in partnership with Team Kowari and University of Sydney to help detect active kowari burrows for their research.
Our field trip was featured in the South Australia Arid Landscape Board's newsletter:
Native & Threatened Species: Kowari

Skylos Ecology has a trained koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) detection dog in our ranks.
We can assist with koala rescue deployments across the country, koala research projects and koala presence surveys for the forest industry.
We can detect the presence of koalas in any given survey area through scat detection. Koala populations can then be mapped and scat analysed for further research purposes.
Native & Threatened Species: Koala

Our invasive predator dogs are trained to detect:
- Fox scats.​
- Fox dens/hides.
- Scavenge sites (fox and cat).
- Feral cat scats.
By collecting data on fox and feral cat scats, dens and scavenge sites we are able to create a fuller data picture on populations, behaviours, health, activity areas and the effectiveness of management plans.
Interactions between the two species can also be mapped and analysed through DNA analysis. Dietary analysis of scats can provide information on the species these invasive pests are predating on.
In 2022, Sonny, was deployed in The Great Otway National Park, as part of the "Deployment of Conservation Detection Dogs in the Fight Against Feral Cats in the Otway's" project. This is a federally funded project through the Wild Otways Initiative, supported by project partners Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation, Corangamite CMA, and Conservation Ecology Centre. You can find out more by clicking on the image:
Invasive Predator Management
In May 2021, Channel 31 aired episode 4 of Dog Jobs Australia which featured our fox detection dog Jimmy.
Jimmy and handler Fiona were collecting fox data for Wildlife Wonders, a unique ecotourism social enterprise. Our team helped map fox activity on site prior to the release of native species into their new home.
For more information on Wildlife Wonders, visit

We are highly experienced in the training of detector dogs for environmental data collection. Our teams can train and develop our detector dogs on additional scents for specific projects. We work in consultation with clients to discuss adding scents to a dog's repertoire. Additional scents are considered in relation to:
- suitability of target scent for detector dog (ensuring additional scent does not conflict with dog's current scent repertoire).
- project specifics (including animal welfare considerations).
- availability of detection team (canine and handler).
- availability of training material.
- potential future uses for target scent.
Our team would be happy to discuss any potential new target species opportunities.
Scent Development
Skylos Ecology PTY LTD
ABN: 28 630 055 524
Victoria, Australia.
© 2024 Skylos Ecology